Updated at 13:45,15-04-2024

Every third Belarusian cannot tolerate misery longer

Pavel Diadin, UDF.BY

This data was obtained during the research conducted from September 30 to October 9, 2011 by the sociological center "ZERKALO-INFO." Around 1700 respondents took part in the pull. Representativeness error doesn't exceed 0.8%.

During the research, "ZERKALO-INFO" employees asked respondents the question, "Which of the following statements best describes the situation in your life (the life of your family)?". And 29% of respondents indicated in the questionnaire: "It is no longer possible to tolerate this misery ".

More than half of them are the citizens aged 40 and older (60%). The vast majority of people have secondary and lower levels of education (86%). Factory workers, farmers and engineers, housewives and the unemployed stand out against the background off the population's professional structure.

"There is no job, no money, my wife has gone - dead end", sums up the 34-year-old unemployed with secondary education. "I thought, at least I'll die normally. But no - the crisis. And now, I have no money even for funeral!", writes a pensioner with secondary education.

But surpisingly, almost half of respondents (47%) reported in their questionnaires that "Life is very difficult, but it is still possible to tolerate".

More than half of them are women (58%). Nearly half are people aged 50 and older (43%). Against the background of the country's professional structure, this opinion is actively shared by workers in agriculture and service sectors, trade, and also by pensioners.

"It's hard, but you have to tolerate, - recommends a pensioner with secondary education, - all had the crisis, and we also will survive". "Life is hard, but while you work it's all right, - shares her observations 59-year-old employee of a creative profession with higher education. - Actually, it's always difficult to live, so there is nothing to cry!" ."Difficulties harden you, - believes 55-year-old soldier with secondary education. - Country lives, the poor don't run, no one falls into a swoon. Work".

14% of respondents answering the questionnaire, have stated: "For me and my family the situation is favorable, if there are difficulties, I manage to overcome them." At the same time every ten respondent found it difficult to answer the proposed question in the questionnaire.