Updated at 18:55,06-05-2024

Lukashenko Compared the Militia with the Bunch of Bandits

news portal www.UDF.BY

Representatives of the law enforcement agency sometimes forget that they are not the bunch of bandits. Such conclusion was made by the president Alexander Lukashenko on the 30th of August during the counsel on the topic how the law enforcement institutions were keeping the law by controlling the financial activities of the National park "Pripiatsky".

The reason for the counsel was the appeal of National park's workers because of actions of the certain law enforcement officers, informed the press service of the president. A. Lukashenko thinks the appeal could not be examine without his interference.

— According to the principle "listen but do your business further" certain a bit impertinent structures starts to prefigure themselves over the law. There are a lot of questions to the militia. Sometimes they forget that they are people’s militia, but not the police and not the bunch of bandits, - noted the president during the counsel.

Interior Ministry brought the criminal case on the fact providing the sexual services for the visitors of the National park "Pripiatsky". The results of the operative crime detection activities showed that the manager of such services was independent Belarusian entrepreneur, who provided the hunting tours for Russian citizens.

The law enforcement agency has also brought the question about possible misuse of the authority by organising and conducting the hunting. However the real facts of unlawful actions were not found out. But during the crime detection activities were made numerous abuses. And likewise several hunting tours were broken, in general the nonsimple conditions for the further work of Park's workers were created.

— There is a question: what goal have had there the appropriate structures? If you want to catch and the person and penalize the person who was trafficking in prostitutes, I welcome this. No one has the right to conduct such business! The most holy issue we have in this world is the woman and sell her is not permissible! I have told that not once, - stated A. Lukashenko.

Juridical assessment of the described above actions will made the Supreme prosecutor, however the president voiced his intention to examine the situation in details. The direct participants of the resonant event - officials of the Park and Interior Ministry - explained about the incident on the counsel.

As to Lukashenko opinion, there are certain omissions in the approaches to the administration of the National park. Certain circumstances of the case were interpreted by the administration of the National park in the appeal, addressed to the president, with superfluous bias, as was found out during the counsel. At the same time the law enforcement agency did not show due regard and tact by conducting their activities. Moreover, the procedural mistakes were made by conduction of crime detection actions.
In the end of the counsel Alexander Lukashenko notifies, that this conversation should be "the lesson for all". "It should be the first and the last conversation on the topic. We have to act according to the law and justly. It is not possible to describe everything in the law. But understanding of the human relation, which is expressed in the justice further to the law — it would be the highest goal and the rule of our service for the society and people" — said Lukashenko. "Everything should be human-like", — he added.

President also underlined that such counsels will become routine matter in his work because the "Minsk behind-the-scenes admonishments of the big bosses and lulling, requests and claims not always give results". He promised further at least once a month resolve the appeals where "the person is abased" in public.

Actually, the monitoring of the work with citizen references conducted by the order of president pointed growth of references connected with keeping law and order this year. They make 27% from the total amount of citizen references.