Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Activist to serve three-month arrest


Minsk city court has upheld a sentence to Uladzimir Yaromenak, a Young Front activist: on August 20, 2013 the former political prisoner was accused of violating the rules of preventive surveillance (Article 421 of the Criminal Code of Belarus) and sentenced to three months of arrest for violating the rules of preventive supervision.

It took the board of judges of the Minsk City Court just seven minutes to consider Uladzimir Yaromenak's appeal against the verdict of Pershamaiski District Court of Minsk, by which he was sentenced to three months of arrest, himan rights centre Viasna reports.

In court Mr Yaromenak and his defence lawyer declared that the materials of his case had been collected in an illegal way and the case itself had been illegally initiated. In particular, the lawyer pointed out that all the protocols on the defendant’s violating surveillance regulations had been wrongfully drawn up, e.g. a signature was allegedly forged. But the judge decided against a procedure of handwriting comparison and calling in evidence. Notwithstanding all the facts above, Minsk city court affirmed the sentence.

After being called by Pershamaiski district penal inspectorate Mr Yaromenak will be spending 3 months under arrest.

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In January 2011, being adjudged guilty of participation in mass events after the 2010 presidential elections Uladzimir Yaromenak was sentenced to three years of imprisonment. In August 2011 the activist was released on parole.