A court in Maladziecna on May 16 ruled to sentence local activist Pavel Siarhei to seven days of administrative arrest, reports the human rigts center Viasna quoting human rights defender Ales Kaputski.
Siarhei was found guilty of taking part in an unauthorized street action repeatedly over the past six months. The verdict was pronounced by Judge Zhachko.
The young activist was detained in the evening of May 14 and stayed in the local police station waiting for th trial.
Pavel was detained and charged in connection with the picket that took place on May 12 in front of the Maladziecna city administration. The picketers protested against the construction of a huge pig farm in the district without proper environmental hazard assessment. Eight people participated in the protest. The police filed offence protocols on two activist - Pavel Prakapovich of Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) and Aliaksandr Abramovich of Belarusian Social Democratic Party.