Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024
The Independent: Belarus and Russia row over potash raises fear of a trade war
03 September 2013, 22:57 | English / Foreign media

The prospect of a trade war between Russia and one of its neighbours loomed larger yesterday after Belarus ratcheted up the rhetoric against the Kremlin and hinted at further arrests of executives working for Russia's biggest fertiliser company. read more

Jim Armitage: Belarus has bitten off more than it can chew by reeling in this big fish
03 September 2013, 22:42 | English / Foreign media

Global outlook in most countries, you get arrested for operating a cartel. In Belarus, it seems, the opposite is the case. read more

Russia's deputy Finance Minister is afraid of going to Belarus
29 August 2013, 21:38 | English / Foreign media

Russia's deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak does not know whether it is safe for him to go to Belarus now. read more

Uralkali CEO's visit to Minsk was arranged by Russian prime minister, Forbes says
27 August 2013, 21:38 | English / Foreign media

Uralkali Director General Vladislav Baumgertner's visit to Minsk was arranged by Dmitry Medvedev and the executive's arrest looks like a direct challenge to the Russian prime minister, said the Russian edition of the business magazine Forbes. read more

Zhirinovsky proposes to supply arms to Syria via Belarus
26 August 2013, 19:43 | English / Foreign media

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), thinks it's possible to supply weapons to Syria via Belarus and Iran. read more

Putin, Lukashenka, envy me: Mine's bigger than yours
21 August 2013, 23:25 | English / Foreign media

A British journalist calls not to surrender fishing to propagandists and despots. read more

The Independent: Luka catches fish and lose election
02 August 2013, 19:22 | English / Foreign media

A British newspaper compared Lukashenka's "catch" with a three-eyed fish from The Simpsons. read more

FEMEN: Lukashenka is among our main enemies and we are preparing next visit to Belarus
26 July 2013, 11:08 | English / Foreign media

Representatives of a famous protest group are waiting for the dictator in Kyiv. read more

Rzeczpospolita: Minsk and Moscow are staging a war with Poland
24 July 2013, 19:41 | English / Foreign media

The West-2013 military practice causes more and more Poland’s concerns. read more

Euronews: FEMEN about Belarus and Lukashenka
25 June 2013, 15:47 | English / Foreign media

Ina Shauchenka believes that the movement’s activists could be killed in Belarus. read more

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