Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Lukashenko decided the “terrorist's“ fate in early March. Everything else was a game


The fact that Alexander Lukashenko denied in the appeal to pardon Vladislav Kovalev, was known in early March. However, neither the family nor the lawyer of convicted were not informed about it.

Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of Belarus Valery Kalinkovich told this on the ONT TV channel.

As deputy chairman of the supreme court said, the decree of non-pardon to Konovalov and Kovalev the president had signed already in early March.

"All the international obligations were followed. Thus, convicts were able to use all statutory tools to protect themselves. Moreover, the death penalty is not prohibited by international law. It exists in the U.S., China, Japan and certain other countries. The question: to apply or not is a part of state sovereignty. This opinion political scientists and lawyers in many countries express", the ONT notes.

"After passing a sentence in the case on November 30, it was also ensured strict compliance with all the prescribed by our laws legal procedures. Kovalev and his counsel were aware of the hearing's record, Kovalev's complaint on the sentence was filed in the order of supervision. Arguments of the convicted which he advanced, were checked by the judges of Supreme Court with a new study of the case. And there were no doubts. Thus, claims emanating from the relatives of Kovalev, some other people and the media, that an innocent is allegedly subjected to the death penalty, have no grounds. I remind, Konovalov did not appeal the verdict", Valery Kalinkovich said.

As UDF.BY wrote earlier, on March 11 Vladislav Kovalev have already had a three-hour meeting with his sister. It was the last one. Most likely, exactly after it the death penalty was executed.