Must pay the participants of the protest action at the frontier post in Bruzgi.
According to the Department of Internal Affairs of Grodno Regional Executive Committee, they must pay for police officers' service who had to disperse and detain the protesters in their day off.
36 defendants, against whom an action was brought, do not understand the point of the case.They believe that the state should pay for the police work, all the more so, for their actions, they were sentenced by the court administration to fines of 30 to 80 basic amounts.
Andrey one of the defendants, says that in the paddy wagon he was beaten with batons, and they sprout a pepper spray in his eyes, though he maintained no resistance. "In the court I said, that I can can only pay the cost of paddy wagon's diesel, which is needed to take me to the office, to pay for the pepper spray and asked how much is the baton hit" - says Andrey.
According to the second defendant, Valery Ablazhevich, the court specifically gives this case a political hue.
Yesterday the second meeting was held. The court of Leninsky district of Hrodna granted the request of the police representatives to conduct arbitration behind the closed doors. The petition was supported by the prosecutor and representatives of Customs, they did not pay attention to defendants' protests.
It is known about the change in the amount of suits. Policemen increased the sum from 6.5 million rubles to 11.115 million rubles, and Customs, by contrast, have lowered their requirements - from 152 thousand to 52 thousand rubles.