Luckily, no people were injured on 29 August, when the 100 square meters of building's area collapsed in Krycau.
A criminal inquiry under article "negligence" has been launched. Investigative team, rescuers and experts are currently working on the site. All the circumstances of the accident, which occurred a few days before the beginning of the school year, are being investigated.
Not only head of the Emergency Situations Ministry, but also the First Deputy Prime Minister Anatol Kalinin came to Krychau. Here is what he said in his comment to ONT:
Upon the collapse of the roof in Krychau republican investigation headquarters were established, all services were invited to contribute. Krychau has enough schools, so on 1 September children will go to school, there will be no problems with distribution. Government commission will be at work.
Reportedly, educational buildings of similar design will be examined in the coming days in Belarus.