Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Krychau ideologist sues independent newspaper


The head of the ideology department of Krychau district executive committee Maryna Maximava has filed a suit against “Volny Horad” newspaper.

The official charges the journalists with damaging her honour, dignity and business reputation. The chief ideology worker of the district was indignant by the phrase that “she is as knowledgeable expert in ideology work, as a pig is an expert in organs”. The phrase was contained in an article “Is she up to her job?” posted on the website of the newspaper on September 9. The article told about attitude of the local authorities to informing citizens about the situation in the district after the building of the Krychau grammar school collapsed, BelaPAN writes.

“In fact, I was called an animal, which had occupied the office of a person in charge,” Maryna Maximava writes in her suit, which has been accepted by Krychau district court.

The representative of the district executive committee states that now she hears “laughs and gossips” behind her back in shops and public transport of Krychau. In such a situation, as said by Maximava, her head aches, her performance in the workplace has decreased, she cannot communicate with her relatives and friends normally any longer, and she cannot continue her wide public activities.

Maryna Maximava asks the court to make “Volny Horad” publish refutation, and to fine 10 mln rubles as a compensation for moral damages.

Commenting on the situation, “Volny Horad” editor-in-chief Syarhei Nyarouny noted: “After the grammar school collapsed, which caused a shock in our city, and rumours started to spread, the district newspaper, “Krychauskae Zhytsyo”, which is supervised by the ideology department, kept mum. Neither the editorial office, nor Maximava gave answers to the questions how the headquarters worked, how children are transported, which problems had occurred and how they were planned to be solved.”

“Does ideology work mean only concealing information which concerns people, and writing articles only about awarding prizes and the repertoire of the choir of veterans? And what people are really worried about – 540 schoolchildren, about a hundred of teachers, anxious parents – not a word is said about them,” the journalist explains.

As said by him, only after publication of the article “Is she up to her job?”, “Krychauskae zhytstsyo” newspaper published a little article about the collapse of the grammar school and creation of the headquarters to overcome the consequences.

The trial over the newspaper is scheduled for October 22.