Uladzimir Niakliaeu was again denied of launching a probe over an attack on him on December 19, 2010.
Minsk's Tsentralny district court refused to launch a probe over the attack on Uladzimir Niakliaeu, a former presidential candidate and leader of Tell the Truth campaign, that happened on December 19, 2010, BelaPAN news agency reports.
The hearing on July 10 was conducted by Valery Yesman. Niakliaeu asked to cancel the decision on refusal to launch criminal proceedings taken by prosecutor Yermakou and oblige the prosecutor's office "to launch a criminal probe over the brutal attack".
The former presidential candidate said he regards the attack on December 19 as "an attempt upon his life". "Being a citizen of Belarus, I have the right to demand the law-enforcement agencies to look for the persons guilty of this crime and punish them in accordance with the law. This is the aim of applying to a court," Niakliaeu stressed.
A representative of the defendant, prosecutor Babchonak, said he didn't agree with Niakliaeu. The prosecutor's office refused to launch criminal proceedings over Niaklaieu's complaint, because, according to the Interior Ministry and the KGB, their representatives didn't carry out any operations against Uladzimir Niakliaeu and his supporters on December 19.
The court found these arguments reasonable.
On December 19, 2010, Niakliaeu, a then presidential candidate, and a column of his supporters were attacked by masked men in black clothes on their way to a rally in Kastrychnitskaya Square. The politician lost consciousness after several strikes. He was taken to hospital with a moderate head injury. He was taken to the KGB jail from hospital.
Uladzimir Niakliaeu filed several requests to different agencies demanding to launch a probe over the attack, but none of them, including the prosecutor's office, took actions.
The leader of Tell the Truth campaign said before the court hearing: "A positive decision of the court is hardly possible now. The court is a part of the repressive system, so it will likely to refuse to launch a probe."
Niakliaeu explains why he applied to a court: "The main thing is not court decisions. The main thing is to show that there are people in the country who continue to seek the truth."