Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Zingeris: EU can say good bye to Belarusian ambassadors


If Belarus does not invite European ambassadors to return to the country, Belarusian ambassadors will have to leave capitals of the EU countries.

Emanualis Zingeris, the chair of the foreign affairs committee at the Lithuanian Seimas, called on the authorities of Belarus to solve a diplomatic conflict and invite the ambassadors to return.

Nevertheless, official Minsk can not stop using every bit of leverage on Europe, i.e. bringing press on the European venturers running their businesses in Belarus; strong lobbying with help of some representatives of democratic community as well as expelling ambassadors.

If Belarus does not invite the ambassadors back, it will "result in saying goodbye to heads of Belarusian diplomatic missions in all the capitals of the EU member countries", Emanuelis Zingeris told Belsat TV.

A month has passed since Head of the EU Delegation to Belarus Maira Mora and Leszek Szerepka, the Polish Ambassador to Belarus received the recommendations to return to their capitals for consultations and to convey to their leadership a firm position of the Belarusian Side on inadmissibility of pressure and sanctions. All ambassadors of the EU member state left the Belarusian capital as a sign of solidarity.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus released a statement on March 15 saying Belarus would welcome the ambassadors back if the EU did not extend sanctions.