“The Investigative Committee issued a resolution on the prosecution of Aleksandra Gerasimenya and Aleksander Opeikin as defendants. The actions of the accused were qualified by the investigation under Part 3 of Art. 361 [Calls for the actions aimed at causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus, committed using the mass media and the internet] of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. The prosecutor sanctioned the application of a measure of restraint in the form of detention to both accused,” it was reported.
Aleksandra Gerasimenya and Aleksandr Opeykin have been put on the wanted list, the agency said. The investigation of the criminal case continues. On 2 April, the Investigative Committee announced the initiation of a criminal case against Gerasimenya and Opeikin.
Recall that the Belarusian Sports Solidarity Fund (BSSF) was established in August 2020 in response to the events taking place in Belarus. It was headed by two-time vice-champion of the 2012 Olympic Games, bronze medalist of the 2016 Olympic Games, winner of gold awards at the World and European Championships, Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandra Gerasimenya.
The post of the BSSF executive director was taken by the founder of the Vityaz handball club, Aleksander Opeikin. The fund aims to support athletes detained for participating in peaceful protests, expelled from national teams, removed from competitions, dismissed or deprived of scholarships for expressing their political position.