Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Lavrov comments on rumours about Putin’s plan to use Belarus


Lavrov comments on rumours about Putin’s plan to use Belarus
Vladimir Putin / Reuters
Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov has commented on the integration of Belarus and Russia but evaded giving a concrete reply in an interview with RBK. There are contacts and a joint workgroup, he said. The PMs met not so long ago. “It may be more or less clear” by the end of June, he noted. “When negotiations are in process, the negotiators do not usually inform the public about all the suggestions every day,” Lavrov noted.

The Minister was also asked about numerous articles saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning to head the Union State of Russia and Belarus in 2024. It will make it possible for him to stay in power since he cannot run for President in the Russian Federation without changing its Constitution.

"There is nothing in the Treaty of the Union State that could make someone think that its aim is to give ‘the throne’ to someone,” Lavrov said. “Read it… There are no such provisions.”