Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

CSTO: NATO steps up intelligence activity against Russia and Belarus


According to the post-Soviet bloc's secretary general, military bases and control centers are being created in the Baltic States, Romania, Bulgaria, and Poland.

NATO is stepping up intelligence activity against Russia and Belarus, the Secretary-General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, Nikolai Bordyuzha, said on Thursday, April 28.

"The North Atlantic Alliance states have been stepping up intelligence activity against Russia. Flights by reconnaissance planes in dangerous proximity to Russian borders are commonplace," TASS reports Bordyuzha saying at the 5th international conference on security in Moscow.

Also, he recalled that military groups were being built up near the CSTO’s zone of responsibility.

"Military bases and control centers are being created in the Baltic States, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and others," Bordyuzha said.