Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Poroshenko about high-level talks in Minsk: 'Ukraine strives for peace'


At the meeting in Minsk, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is willing to hold negotiations on peace, for "the whole world is tired of war".

"Ukraine strives for peace," the Ukrainian President said in the course of a working visit to Mykolaiv.

He said that on August 26, together with a "powerful team" consisting of three high EU representatives, he is going to Minsk to speak of peace.

The President said that Ukraine would urge to withdraw militants from its territory at the meeting. "I am confident that we will manage to achieve that," Poroshenko said.

"To have a strong negotiating position on peace, we must be strong, have the unity of people, a powerful country and a strong army," he stressed.

"We are capable of defending our sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity. Today, we are fighting for the independence of Ukraine. We will certainly win," Poroshenko added.

As it was reported before, on August 26, Minsk will host a meeting of the heads of the states of the Eurasian trio (Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan) with Mr Poroshenko. It will also be attended by representatives of the European Commission.