“Very difficult person”. Last boss of ‘old Russian mafia’ convicted in the U.S.
One of the last remaining bosses of ‘old Russian mafia’ who used to operate on the U.S. East Cost in the 1990s has been convicted in New York. 70-year-old Boris ‘Biba’ Nayfeld has got another prison term, this time – for extortion. He has already served several terms, and every time he managed to read more
Why the Soviet attempt to stamp out religion failed
“Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy. It is not a side effect, but the central pivot,” wrote Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Lenin compared religion to venereal disease. read more
How Europe’s Last Dictatorship Became a Tech Hub
On Friday nights, Zybitskaya street — or simply Zyba, as locals call it — turns into a vast party scene, filled with hipsters in bright shirts, tight dark jeans and black-rimmed glasses, showing how they can be carefree in a country that has been labeled the last dictatorship of Europe. read more
Belarusian Buzz: He Sells Raw Honey, Aims To Be Most Transparent Company In Unregulated Industry
“We’re on a mission,” says Dimitri Grigorovich gesticulating his blue-sheathed hands in the air to a supermarket shopper who stopped to sample his Apiterra raw honey, “to eradicate processed sugars!” read more
Five Things to Know About the Zapad-2017 Military Exercise
As Russian forces leave Belarus, what are the main lessons to draw from the Zapad-2017 drills? read more
The Times names Minsk among 30 great bargain city breaks for brits
“Bored by Paris and Rome? Then try a weekend getaway to Tallinn or Minsk — for less than £250,” the British newspaper writes. read more
A visit to Europe’s last dictatorship
Ex-Soviet Belarus only began accepting visa-free tourists this year. I had to explore one of the hardest-drinking, most WWII-nostalgic countries on Earth. read more
Bialowieza Forest: Poland sued over ancient woods logging
The EU executive has urged Poland to halt logging immediately in one of Europe's last remaining areas of primeval forest, and has asked the European Court of Justice to act on it. read more
Belarus, ance again, cracks down on dissent
At the 11th hour, the United States renewed sanctions relief for Belarus, even as the country shows little sign of continuing its tepid shift toward the West. read more
Helping children in Belarusian institutions that aren’t orphanages
Letters from Richard Carter, who says the reasons for institutional placement in former communist bloc countries are complex and varied, Norma Brier of Norwood, and Linda Walker of Chernobyl Children’s Project UK read more |