Updated at 13:31,29-04-2024

Viktar Ivashkevich dies at 54


Famous opposition politician Viktar Ivashkevich has died in Minsk at the age 54 after a long disease.

"He had hepatitis long ago and it resulted in cirrhosis. His liver was almost dead. He was waiting for transplantation but he did not have enough time. He was taken to hospital because he was suffering form toxicosis. We visited him 3 times in hospital #3. Then he was discharged and taken to hospital again 2 days later – he was delivered to the intensive care department of hospital #9. They did not let us visit him there," Victar Ivashkevich’s friend Waclaw Areshka said.

Victar Ivashkevich was a member of the national youth movement in the 1980s, Maistrounya and Talaka. He joined the BPF in 1988.

Being the editor-in-chief of Rabochy, Ivashkevich was sentenced to two years of restriction of liberty in 2002. The reason was the article The Criminal Must Be Imprisoned where the Office of the Public Prosecutor found slander on the President.

He was deputy head of the BPF Party until 2009 and head of BPF Minsk affiliate until 2011.

UDF.BY condoles with Victar Ivashkevich’s relatives and friends.