Updated at 13:35,26-08-2024

EU's expanded “black list“ to be published tomorrow


Foreign Ministers of 27 EU countries have taken the decision on new sanctions against the Belarusian authorities.

Representatives of the Council of the European Union have informed to RIA "Novosti" that new restrictive measures are imposed in connection with deteriorated situation with human rights in Belarus.

"19 Belarusian officials have been added to the list of persons against whom we use restrictions", — the agency's vis-a-vis has said.

EU's expanded "black list" will be published on March 22.

New sanctions are targeted and are not aimed at damaging the Belarusian economy. They will be used against the persons, who, to the EU's opinion, provide "money leakage" to the officials' pockets for the cost of incomes, received by the companies "Belnaftahim", "Triple", "Beltechexport" and "Belaruskaliy".