Updated at 13:48,24-07-2024

Riot Police Disperse BSMU Teachers, Students And Their Parents


Riot Police Disperse BSMU Teachers, Students And Their Parents
On Wednesday evening, there were many reports about the expulsion of the BSMU students. While the university leadership has yet to comment on the situation, students said that about 20-30 people were expelled. At about 5 pm, students began to gather at the rector’s office to clarify the situation and support the expelled. Two and a half hours later security forces arrived.

Polina Korzhenevskaya, a 3rd year student of the medical faculty, is one of the expelled students. She admits that she took part in protest actions. The girl says she hasn’t received the certificate of her expulsion yet but saw its content.

According to Polina, the reason for her expulsion sounds like “the violation of internal regulations and disruption of the educational process”. She also said that 29 people were expelled: 15 from the medical faculty, 12 from the pediatric faculty and two from the pharmaceutical faculty. Other sources report about 20 people being expelled.

In the evening, students, their parents and teachers gathered at the rector’s office to support those expelled. “The rector came to talk, but we did not get clear answers to our questions. We were told they were expelled for truancy on 26 October, but I know people who attended classes that day,” says one of the students.

Unsatisfied with the meeting, the students began to collect signatures, they plan to meet tomorrow to support their classmates. According to eyewitnesses, while a group of people were talking to the rector inside the university, a support group gathered near the main building.

At about 7.20 pm the security forces reportedly arrived. TUT.BY reporter did not see any arrests. Those standing outside were pushed back from the main entrance. The guys dispersed, several people lined up in a chain of solidarity near the building of the Belarusian State Medical University.