Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Salaries of officials rose by 45% at once. For ordinary Belarusians there is no money


By the decree of Ministry of Labour and Social Protection backdated (May 1) from the end of May salaries of heads of the state apparatus increased to 45% at once.

"However the substantial increase in salaries of officials, including security forces, for some reason has not got wide publicity. State media did not bother to highlight this fact on its pages and in the air. Obviously, this is done deliberately, so not to irritate once again all sorts of state employees, retirees, disabled, students and others who are reasonably unsatisfied with the size of their incomes", writes the blogger d-zholik.

But for the justified dissatisfaction of the broad masses there are all the bases.

By the decree of Council of Ministers № 410 "On establishing the size of tariff rate for first-class wages of employees of public organizations and other organizations receiving benifits, which employees are equated by their wages to workers of budgetary organizations" on May 4, 2012 in consultation with the President from May 1, the tariff rate of the first rank was increased from Br200 thousand to Br210 thousand. Accordingly, the Belarusian state officials' salaries have grown by 5% at an average.

Since that May 1 the minimum of pensions, allowances and promotions to them, co-payments to pensioners over the age of 75 years, social pensions was recalculated . Increase was still the same 5%.

Responsible comrades of the Council of Ministers and ministries justify such a low rate of growth by the fact, that the government makes decisions about their rise, "based on the current economic situation and possibilities". And Alexander Lukashenko personally has repeatedly said, the state simply has no money for a substantial increase in the population's incomes.

Indeed, the state found for the population only mere pittance. However, for the state official the same state has found a lot of money to raise their salaries to 45% at once.

However, according to d-zholik, even here, the authorities managed "to deprive": salaries have grown so significantly only within the heads (of departments, offices, main offices, deputies and first deputy heads of ministries, committees, organizations, etc.) for the remaining civil servants salaries have grown slightly more than 20%. And this despite the fact that for state officials of all stripes the already high wages have grown substantially, and for their subordinates - just low salaries have grown.

About the size of wage increases, as well as their level in general, the state officials can be judged up to a maximum level of the first deputy head of the ministry, committee, etc. Salaries of ministers, chairmen of national committees, city and district executive committees, senior officials, judges - are classified. So there is something to hide from the people. But it is easy to assume that the increased level of pay for all these "mercenaries" amounts to not lower than already known 45%.

If for Belarusian authorities all the individuals and social groups would be equal, then, not allowing such a dramatic increase in salaries for the army of the state official, it could be possible to conduct the substantial increase in incomes of the rest of the population.

But for the people there is no money - money is only for bosses.