Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Prime Minister will fire every fifth official

Number of employees of the Council of Ministers of Belarus should be gradually reduced by 20%.

This decision is contained in the Council of Ministers Decree N1784 "On the organization of work on a pilot project in the apparat of the Council of Ministers," aimed "to increase their interest in the outcome of labor and to consolidate the Apparat of highly qualified professionals".

Thus, according to the document, the working group should until "February 15, 2012, develop proposals for optimization of functions, structure and number of apparat's employees, to ensure a gradual reduction of the number of its employees till 20%". At the same time, reducing the number of employees should be ensured during 2012, "including - due to the release from positions those employees, whose employment is terminated because of their contract's expiration, resignation, under the agreement of parties and on other grounds".

In addition, the resolution presupposes "an improvement of the incentive system for the apparat's employees in order to substantially increase their wages and to retain highly skilled professionals in the apparatus". In particular, the document presupposes "to give bonuses to state employees, who have shown professional initiative and ensured high efficiency of labor, from the state budget funds, amounting to 5% of their salary rates". Also, the resolution indicates, "to give bonuses to employees engaged in technical maintenance and ensuring the apparat's functioning, in the amount of 50% of their salary rates".
The document notes, the working group will explore the possibility of a similar pilot project in two or three Republican state administration bodies, local executive and administrative bodies, interfax.by writes.