Updated at 13:31,29-04-2024

Almost 6% of Belarusians below poverty line


Almost 6% of Belarusians below poverty line
The number of Belarusians below the official poverty line is growing: in 2017, the number of Belarusians whose average per capita resources were below the subsistence minimum budget has increased from 5.6% to 5.9%.

This is the data for January-September 2017 from Belstat.

Thus, over 560 thousand people are below the poverty line (as of October 1st, the population of Belarus is 9 million 495,8 thousand people).

The lowest level of poverty was registered in Minsk — 1.6% (a year ago it was 1.3%), the largest — in the Brest region (8.5% this year against 8% in the past).