Updated at 13:31,29-04-2024

KGB bans Khalip's parents from talking to reporters


The Committee for State Security (KGB) has banned the parents of Iryna Khalip from commenting to reporters on the home confinement of their daughter.
The prominent journalist who is the wife of former presidential candidate Andrey Sannikaw was released from the KGB detention center last week, along with another ex-candidate, Uladzimir Nyaklyayew, and five other opposition figures.

Ms. Khalip and Mr. Nyaklyayew were placed under house arrest. Under the conditions of their release, they may not read newspapers, use the Internet or talk to the media.

Ms. Khalip’s elderly father, Uladzimir, told BelaPAN on Tuesday that he would not give any interviews any more.

The KGB warned that Iryna might face "big problems" otherwise, he said.

"In order not to do harm to Iryna and her son, our grandson Daniil, we will suspend contacts with the press for the time being," Mr. Khalip said. "Take it as a temporary time-out."

Ms. Khalip is among the 37 persons who have been charged with organizing mass riots in connection with the December 19 post-election demonstration in central Minsk. All of them may face a prison term of up to 15 years.

Her husband, Mr. Sannikaw, as well as two other ex-candidates, Ales Mikhalevich and Mikalay Statkevich, remain to be held in the KGB detention center.