Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Belarus' health minister: Coronavirus will be kept in check in 2022


Belarus' health minister: Coronavirus will be kept in check in 2022
In 2022, the threat of the coronavirus infection will be minimized, Belarus' Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich told the ONT TV channel on 8 April, BelTA informs.

Dmitry Pinevich recalled that Belarus is developing its own vaccine. As this ambitious project started from scratch, the progress cannot be quick. However, researchers will try hard to roll out the vaccine in 2022. By this time, the minister believes, the coronavirus will not be as dangerous as it is today.

“I believe that the epidemiological danger of the coronavirus infection will be minimized. This is more about the life cycle of the pandemic itself rather than the availability of vaccines,” Dmitry Pinevich noted.

Yet, the vaccine development project is also important, the minister added. By the time the project is over, Belarus will have the necessary skills and competencies, equipment and algorithms to develop vaccines against another disease, if necessary.

In mid-April, Belarus will start mass producing the Russian vaccine, the bottling of which began at the end of March. The minister emphasized that the main task now is to increase the vaccination coverage.