Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Vice PM Vasil Zharko is interrogated and let off


Vice PM Vasil Zharko is interrogated and let off
Vasil Zharko. Photo: TUT.by
Vice PM Vasil Zharko has not been detained. The information about his detention was distributed by Belarusian mass media on July 11.

The vice PM is at work, the press service of the Council of Ministers reports.

Vasil Zharko was the Minister of Health before he was appointed vice PM. Journalists explained KGB’s interest in him by ‘the doctors’ case’: more than a dozen officials connected with the state purchases in the sphere of healthcare were detained in Belarus the other day.

Deputy Minister of Health Ihar Lasitski (his name can sometimes be seen in documents connected with tenders) and director of the scientific research centre for traumatic surgery and orthopedics Alyaksandr Byaletski were detained on July 9. KGB arrested businessman Syarhei Shakutsin (director of the company Iskamed – one of the major pharmaceutical enterprises in Belarus) on July 10.

Vasil Zharko was interrogated, TUT.by reports. It was probably connected with ‘the doctors’ case’. However, he has been let off.

He did not know anything about the corruption and did not expect it to be ‘large-scale’, the vice PM announced at the end of June. The system of state purchases will be improved in Belarus and a ‘some new algorithm’ may be created, Zharko said.