Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Brest school headmaster calls riot police to school graduation party


The school graduation party at Sfera club was cancelled due to an unexpected visit of juvenile officers and a bus with police officers.

A reader of charter97.org says it was the headmaster of Brest's secondary school No. 5 who decided to spoil the graduation party.

“The headmaster called a squad of riot police and juvenile officers to the club Sfera, where the party was to be held. He claims parents wanted their children to get drunk and watch a striptease show. Some parents arrived at the club in advance, and it saved the situation. If children had come, each parent should have paid a fine of about 2 million rubles and children would have spent the night at a police station. The city authorities allowed a party at the club, and parents gave a written promise that there would be no alcoholic drinks and a police officer would be present at the party. Money for the reserved tables and a DJ were not returned,” the reader wrote.

Charter97.org contacted Sfera club for details.

“Yes, a juvenile inspector came to us and said if children came to our club, we would face sanctions from a fine of 2 million rubles to the closure of the club. They didn't come just to warn us. A bus with the police arrived. The party was not held. The whole city knows about it,” the club administration says.

Many Brest residents, including parents of school graduates, confirm on internet forums that the riot police were called by the headmaster.