The Uralkali CEO’s arrest has scared even Russian top officials. According to its Deputy Finance Minister, this incident will not affect the decision on another loan from EurAsEC. However, Siarhei Storchak challenges the wisdom of visiting Belarus.
The representative of the Ministry stressed that one should not lump the high-profile arrest and credit provision by the anti-crisis fund of EurAsEC. At that, he accepted the possibility of deterioration of contacts. "It is the people who are involved. For example, can we go there [to Belarus – Belsat] or not?" Mr Storchak wonders. In his opinion, such things do affect the process itself but have no influence on final aims: "This is an episode which may well be a hiccup".
In June, 2011 the Council of the Anti-crisis fund sanctioned $ 3 bn loan for supporting the stabilization program of the Belarusian government. Minsk has already received 5 tranches of it (2.56 bn).