Updated at 18:55,06-05-2024

No money for wages: workers are paid in kind


Workers of Minsk Motor Plant are recommended to leave 20% of their earning paying for lunches and food in canteens.

"The management of Minsk Motor Plant recommended every worker to leave 20% of his or her earning at the plant to tackle the crisis. One of the effective measures to stabilize the situation is increasing volume of selling food and other goods via the plant trade network on account of next wages," Interfax reports referring to "Motorostroitel" newspaper.

Every worker was recommended to leave 20% of wages paying for lunches in canteens, food and other products of the pant sold in retail shops, dentist’s aid, services of the transport and repair shops.

The range of goods offered to the workers is narrow, as the plant has a debt to the suppliers, the newspaper notes. "The range of goods is unsatisfactory: there are no the most popular cigarette brands, enough meat, semifinished meat, fish, smoked meat products," the newspaper writes. Besides, the plant workers don’t like high prices on milk in plant stores.

The recommendation to leave 20% of wages at the plant is not the first anti-crisis measure taken by Minsk Motor Plant. As the Internet media reported, the plant had begun to buy meat settling for diesel engines, spare parts, tractors, and Amkador loaders.

Minsk Tractor Plant paid its debt to Minsk Motor Plant with tractors. As it turned out, the tractors at Minsk Motor Plant cost 3 tons of meat. The average weight of a pig is 120 kilograms, so a farm can buy a new tractor for 25 pigs.

The plant is looking for farms able to give pigs and cows for equipment. Plant workers, in turn, buy meat on account of wages.

Some Belarusian enterprises offer to buy food on account of payment. So, workers of Minsk Tractor Plant are offered to buy dumplings in a canteen on credit. Workers of Barysau Plant of Automotive Electrical Equipment can take cheese and milk instead of wages.