Updated at 13:47,21-10-2024

MFA: Belarus has no interest in modern European values or Brussels ‘democracy’

MFA: Belarus has no interest in modern European values or Brussels  ‘democracy’
Belarus has no interest whatsoever in the modern European values, and what concerns democracy it has long been gone in Brussels, press secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anatoly Glaz told BelTA as he commented on the European Council conclusions, in which “the European Council recalls its determination to ensure effective control of the Union’s external borders through all available means” and declares that “Russia and Belarus, or any other country, cannot be allowed to abuse our values,including the right to asylum, and to undermine our democracies."

Anatoly Glaz noted that the topic of instrumentalized migration was cynically coined by Brussels in order to exercise in outright hypocrisy. "With this statement, the European Council gave up on the international law regarding refugees and publicly admitted that all their long-term rhetoric "about universal European values" was only an illusion for external use. The values that interfere with the European bureaucrats are immediately scrapped," he said.

Anatoly Glaz noted that European leaders are well aware that international law and European legislation oblige them to treat refugees and asylum seekers humanely. “They also know that the chaos on the border occurred due to their irresponsible decisions to severe border cooperation with neighboring countries. But they have no political will to remedy the situation. In general, they do not care about a real solution to this problem, or about refugees and migrants, whose beaten-up and mutilated bodies are thrown to our side of the border in droves," he said.

"It is surprising to hear from the president of the European Commission about a certain ‘exceptional’ migration situation on the border with Belarus. Less than 0.5% of all migrants enter the EU through this section! There are two conclusions: either her assistants did not reflect this fact in their briefs, or Ursula von der Leyen does not bother to read them. Finally, in what concerns ‘the abuse of values and the undermining of democracy’: We have no interest whatsoever in the modern European values or Brussels democracy which has long been gone,” Anatoly Glaz said.