Updated at 13:35,26-08-2024

Belarus, Russia jointly conducting nuclear weapons exercise

Belarus, Russia jointly conducting nuclear weapons exercise
Photo courtesy of the Belarusian Defense Ministry's news agency Vayar
Belarus and Russia are jointly conducting an exercise to practice using nuclear weapons. The fact has been confirmed by Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko and President of Russia Vladimir Putin, BelTA has learned.

Vladimir Putin said: “Since non-strategic nuclear weapons are deployed in Belarus’ territory, this time we’ve invited our friends, allies to take part in one stage of this exercise. The Belarus president had requested it. We hold such exercises regularly. This one includes three stages. During the second stage Belarusian colleagues will take part in our joint actions. The relevant instructions have been given to the defense ministries and the general staffs.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko confirmed Vladimir Putin’s words. “One can say we did the first stage separately. But yesterday we made the decision in favor of synchronization and of doing the second stage and the third one together. Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin] correctly emphasized that it is not the first time. It is the third exercise for us. Russia has had tens of them. This is why we will act in sync. And the general staffs have already started executing their instructions,” he said.

“So there is nothing unusual about it. It is routine work,” Vladimir Putin added.