Updated at 13:48,24-07-2024

Mitskevich: Belarusian People's Congress requires thorough preparation given its new status

Mitskevich: Belarusian People's Congress requires thorough preparation given its new status
Given its new status the Belarusian People's Congress requires special, thorough preparation, Head of the Secretariat of the Belarusian People's Congress Valery Mitskevich told reporters after the first meeting of the national organizing committee for the seventh congress on 15 February, BelTA has learned.

"We gave a thorough consideration to all major issues regarding the preparation of the Belarusian People's Congress. A plan has been prepared and approved. Thus we have outlined the work to be done shortly in preparation for the congress," Valery Mitskevich said. “Indeed, we have experience of holding people’s congresses. But this time it is different a bit. Today, the Belarusian People's Congress is a constitutional body, so it has its own legal framework and, accordingly, requires special, thorough preparation."

Speaking about the nomination of candidates for delegates to the Belarusian People's Congress, he noted that both the Constitution and the law clearly describe the mechanism ‘who can be nominated and how they are elected. From the legal point of view everything has been spelled out. So we will make use of the mechanism formalized in the law. The maximum number of delegates is 1,200 people coming from all walks of life as provided for by the law ‘On Belarusian People's Congress’," he added.