Hrodna Lenin Court has closed the case started for ‘an Internet picket with white-red-white flag’. Judge Raman Ruslanau closed the case due to absence of corpus delicti, the human rights website Viasna reports.
Hrodna inhabitants Syarhei and Volha Verameyenka uploaded their photo with a white red-white flag with the city landscape in the background to the Internet. The inscription under the photo said: “Like Vasil”. They supported Homel inhabitant Vasil Palyakou jailed for 15 days for hoisting the national flag. The police accused them of an unauthorized picket.
The picket was held on the Internet, a witness from the police said at a preliminary hearing on May 25. Defendant Syarhei Verameyenka asked the court to interrogate policeman Uladzimir Kazlouski (the one who had made the administrative violation report). However, this witness did not attend the hearing. The judge decided to close the case.