Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

White-red-white flag action in Minsk's Kastrycnickaja Square: nobody detained


White-red-white flag action in Minsk's Kastrycnickaja Square: nobody detained
Photo: Radio Liberty
Nobody was detained at the action National Flag Avenue in the centre of Minsk. The action took 90 minutes. About 50 people took part in it. The event organized in October Avenue was not allowed by the authorities. The action was dated for the 25th anniversary of the day when the white-red-white flag and the emblem Pahonya had become the state symbols of the Republic of Belarus.

The event was initiated by the Young Front. Co-leader Zmitser Dashkevich gave out white-red-white flags and ribbons with the Belarusian national ornament to everyone. People formed a line along Independence Avenue starting from the Kilometre Zero to the KGB headquarters.

Ex-presidential candidate and writer Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu, co-leader of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Pavel Sevyarynets, activists Pavel Vinahradau and Ales Makayeu and some other oppositionists took part in the action.

Policemen in plain clothes were watching the action but did not interfere, BelaPAN reports. Nobody was detained.