Angela Merkel greets United Civic Party on its 20th founding anniversary
By Alyaksey Alyaksandraw, BelaPAN 16 October 2015, 10:06
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has greeted the opposition United Civic Party (UCP) on its 20th founding anniversary.
“I heartily greet you on this jubilee,” Ms. Merkel says in her message of greetings, according to the UCP press office. “You have worked in difficult conditions in the past 20 years to steer your country to the path of free democracy.”
Ms. Merkel praises the UCP for what she calls its commitment to freedom, democracy and market economy in Belarus and the country`s membership in the "European family.”
Ms. Merkel expresses hope that the UCP will be seen as a “convincing democratic alternative based on European values” by the Belarusian public.
“You are making an important contribution to the democratization of your country,” she says. “I wish you and your party much strength and patience in the future. We will gladly continue cooperation between our parties within the framework of the European People’s Party. I wish you blessings from God, great success and all the best things.”
Earlier this month, the UCP received a message of greetings from British Prime Minister David Cameron.