Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

'Belarusian issue' to be considered in Geneva

Today in Geneva opens the 18th session of the UN Human Rights Council, where the debates on Belarus are planned.

The session will run until the end of September. The discussion on the situation in Belarus, according to an agenda will be held on September 20. During the meeting the report of the Amnesty International about the situation in the country will be presented, as they told BelaPAN in the Moscow office of this human rights organization. The document says that after the presidential elections in December 2010, which didn't meet OSCE standarts, the human rights situation in Belarus has become worse. In particular, the peaceful opposition demonstration was brutally broken up, opposition activists, human rights defenders and journalists were detained, they were convicted of criminal and administrative cases, their homes and offices were searched and "other forms of pressure from the authorities were applied ".

The subject of Belarus will be touched in the report by Navanethem Pillay the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Belarus is mentioned there in connection with the warning, which the Ministry of Jusctice issued to Belarusian Helsinski Committee after the BHC applied to Gabriela Knaul the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers. In particular, the BHC informed the Special Repporteur on the facts of a pressure from Belarusian Authorities on the lawyers defending those involved in criminal cases on mass riots on December 19, followed by the written warning to the BHC "for spreading false information discrediting the law enforcement and justice agencies of the Republic".