Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Syamashka: tax maneuver compensation and integration should not be bound


Syamashka: tax maneuver compensation and integration should not be bound
Uladzimir Syamashka / BELTA
The compensation for Russia’s tax maneuver and the integration should not be bound, the information agency BELTA quotes Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Uladzimir Syamashka.

Belarus is negotiating with Russia about the compensation for the oil tax maneuver. Both sides have reached understanding in the issue but Russians are saying that final decisions can be made only after the integration becomes deeper, the diplomat said.

"I believe that these things should not be bound. The impending issues need to be solved. They should have been solved long ago – on January 31, 2019,” Syamashka announced.

Belarus and Russia are supposed to sign a visa agreement by the end of the year, the diplomat added. Both states have finished domestic procedures needed to approve the documents and are waiting for a good political moment, he said.