Updated at 13:31,29-04-2024

Belarusians make most popular iPhone app in US

Ales Zaleuski, belsat.eu

Belarusians make most popular iPhone app in US
Belarus is increasingly recognized in the world thanks to the achievements of its women or a product made for them.

The “Flo” app is popular and successful not only in Belarus and the United States, it also tops the app list of 16 countries. Over 60 million women have downloaded it. And it was designed and developed by a team of Belarusians.

The promotion and production was done by an American company and multiple investors, thus part of the team is already overseas. “Flo” is not the only app we can be proud of in the world IT market.

The ideas developed and implemented in Belarus which were realized before the IT-decree, were sold for hundreds of millions of US dollars, with company turnovers measured in billions.

This is because this field is still busy promoting itself in the world. Although the team of developers in Minsk pays here taxes and spends salaries, say programmers. Yahor Kurianovich, IT entrepreneur, founder of STARONKA.BY:

“The more the name of Belarus is heard in New York, California, the better it is for our market here.”

The IT- Decree also did a job here. For the first 9 months of this year, the flagship state IT cluster, the Hi-Tech Park, has registered two hundred companies. It’s more than for the entire 12-year history.

Maybe next time foreign officials will receive not a tractor, but a smartphone app as a gift?