Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Mass detentions because of the explosion in Vitebsk


In the framework of the investigation of the case of explosion in Vitebsk dozens of people were detained.

Their relatives are scared and refuse to give any information.

A human rights activist from Vitebsk Pavel Levinau, who is present at the place of the events, told the charter97.org web-site about that:

"I managed to contact the relatives of two people, who were detained and released. But, unfortunately, I do not know what happened to them there. The people are intimidated; they were strictly prohibited to give their contacts to anyone or to tell anything. It is not possible to get any information".

According to the human rights activist, after the detention the young people were selected according to their height:

"According to the data I have , dozens of people are detained. Later they were selected. Probably, compared to the video from the security cameras in order to see who fits of does not fit into the suspects profile by height or other parameters. Nothing is known about the ones kept in custody – not their data, not who they are, not where they from. We have not managed to do that so far".

We would remind, that at night on 12 November there was an explosion near the KGB building in Vitebsk.

According to the official information, a self-made pyrotechnic device exploded, which was placed in a tin can. The KGB claimed three persons were detained, one of whom had visible signs of deviations and allegedly formerly made calls to the KGB department expressing himself in an incorrect way towards the authorities agencies. A criminal case has been filed according to the article 339 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism).