Updated at 13:53,23-12-2024

Foreign Minister Makey calls for more economic projects in framework of Eastern Partnership

By Dzmitry Ulasaw, BelaPAN

Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makey has called for more economic projects to be carried out in the framework of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership program.

Speaking at a September 12-13 round of the informal Eastern Partnership dialogues in the Armenian capital of Yerevan, Mr. Makey said that a stronger business dimension of the program was needed, and suggested closer cooperation in spheres such as transport, trade, energy and border management, according to the Belarusian foreign ministry’s press office.

Mr. Makey emphasized the need for the principle of equality between the partner countries to be observed in the framework of the program, and said that membership of the Eastern Partnership should bring more practical benefits to the countries.

The Belarusian minister placed an"emphasis" on the need to avoid new dividing lines in the region and establish "dialogue and cooperation" between the Customs Union and the European Union, which he described as "key integration blocs on the continent," said the press office.

Mr. Makey held meetings with his Armenian counterpart, Edward Nalbandian, and with the heads of other delegations to the event, as well as with Stefan Fule, the European Union`s commissioner for enlargement and neighborhood policy, and Helga Schmid, deputy secretary general of the European External Action Service.

The agenda of the event was topped by preparations for an Eastern Partnership summit to be hosted by Vilnius this November.