Updated at 12:34,16-09-2024

Average before-tax pay reported up 6.6 percent in June


The average before-tax monthly pay in Belarus averaged out at 1,104,100 rubels in the first six months of 2010, rising by 6.6 percent in June to 1,234,900 rubels ($409), according to the National Statistics Committee.

The average real (inflation-adjusted) pay increased by 8.1 percent year-on-year in the first six months and by 6.4 percent in June, the Committee said.

In June, average before-tax monthly pay reportedly amounted to 1,352,900 rubels in the industrial sector; 1,686,000 rubels in the construction sector; 1,486,300 rubels in transportation; 1,046,600 rubels in the trade and food services sector; and 831,600 rubels in the agricultural sector.

Average monthly pay was 990,400 rubels in the public health sector. In particular, pay averaged out at 1,696,700 rubels for doctors and 984,300 rubels for senior paramedical personnel.

Average monthly pay was 874,100 rubels in the educational sphere. In particular, school teachers were paid 965,500 rubels and university professors 2,157,100 rubels on the average.

Scientific workers were paid 1,712,000 rubels, the highest level, and social workers 743,000 rubels, the lowest.

June's average pay was the highest in Minsk, 1,610,900 rubels, and the lowest in the Brest region, 1,102,900 rubels.